Wheatley Hill Cricket Ground
54.744806, -1.408652
Wheatley Hill
20th c
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
31 May 2024
Wheatley Hill Welfare CC, Wheatley Hill CC
HER Description
NEHL - Wheatley Hill featured its own cricket ground from at least the 1910s through much of the 20th century. It is first shown on the Ordnance Survey map surveyed in 1914, with a rectangular plot clut into a field under the reversing siding for the colliery. It featured no facilities, just an enclosed patch of turf. It was certainly used by Wheatley Hill CC, who played in various fixtures against regional pit teams like Hebburn Colliery and Seaham Ernest.
A pavilion was built in the north west corner by the 40s, and at this time the club was either renamed Wheatley Hill Welfare CC or was a different team entirely. They played in the Durham Coast League in 1932, Durham County League at the end of the decade as well as the Durham Aged Miners Cup.
The cricket ground appears to have closed around the same time as the pit, and ended up suffering a similar fate of clearance. Though satellite imagery isn't clear, it looks like the pavilion may have been retained in the general purpose grounds which are extant.
It is worth noting there was a team in the late 19th century, but it is not known where they played. It could however have been here but was unmarked.

Ordnance Survey, 1919

The cricket ground can be seen in the centre of this aerial shot from the 1940s. Source: Google Earth
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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