The NEHL was created to be the answer to a problem...
Why don't we all have access to decent, modern, engaging local history resources?

Hello! I'm Kieran,
I set up this website in 2020 to satisfy a personal desire after university to continue my research and learning. Straight after university in 2018, I was struck with the roadblocks faced by lacking the resources academia gives. Paid subscriptions, exclusives websites and papers were out of reach. I found this incredibly frustrating, which is where the idea for the North East Heritage Library came from. COVID and lockdown brought a unique opportunity to spend some more time on this and build a website from the ground up. It's changed a fair bit since.
The North East Heritage Library started as a project to document historic sites and structures in the region. Effectively, a database where people could find these places and explore what's on their doorstep. It was born out of pure passion for the area, with an urge to amplify the stories of the generations which have come before. It has however grown into something much bigger, and far beyond anything I imagined 4 years ago during lockdown. Now, the project has turned into the most comprehensive independent database of historic sites in the North East, through our projects on Coal, Sports, Shipyards and Postboxes. They all sit alongside the original library which is still growing, as well as X where I share content daily.
Everything on this website will always be free, with no ads.
We've also raised thousands for charity though the annual History Hikes, and now produce an annual publication featuring emerging and well known writers. I've hosted events, and now host guided walks through our region which you can find on X and EventBrite. I'm incredibly proud of these feats.
Lastly, I'm a dad. I have a main job and a family to take care of. I spend a huge amount of time growing and updating this website, as well as taking days out to explore and research. Many 5:30am starts too!
It's not perfect, but I adore what we've made and being able to foster a community of folk who love the region just as much. I'm funded only by myself and those who are kind enough to support my work on Patreon, which has been invaluable to grow the project. My intention is to continue this for as long as I'm able (I'm only 28, so hopefully for a while!). Thanks for sticking around, and I appreciate your support.