South Hetton, Football Ground
54.795278, -1.401194
South Hetton
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
16 Feb 2023
HER Description
NEHL - One of two football grounds in the area, this ground was home to South Hetton Royal Rovers or South Hetton Lilywhites. It was likely Lilywhites, as Royal Rovers utilised the adjacent cricket ground for their general meetings but cannot be confirmed. This ground featured limited facilities except a small shed on its eastern side. It was likely just markings and maintained goal posts.
The two clubs represent the intense grassroots football culture at this time, with two clubs representing the small village. Royal Rovers competed in the Durham Amateur Cup, Seaham Charity Cup and the Wingate Charity Cup.
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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