Preston Lane, Cricket Ground
55.013876, -1.448629
North Shields
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
16 Aug 2022
Tynemouth Cricket Club
HER Description
NEHL - Though Tynemouth CC was founded in 1847, contemporary newspaper reports show the Duke of Northumberland granted the club a "well drained 5 1/2 acre field, conveniently situated in Preston lane, with a cottage standing thereon". It is unknown where they played for the first two years, though could have easily been this site.
The first echelon of the Ordnance Survey also shows the cricket ground, complete with the small cottage which was found on the north west corner of the field. It appears this cottage survived when the Tynemouth Union Workhouse extended the complex northwards.
This will likely have been why Tynemouth CC moved eastwards.
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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