Haining Farm, Sunderland
Last Updated:
1 Nov 2020
This is a
54.859712, -1.445180
Founded in
Current status is
Designer (if known):
Unknown, site likely around current Low Haining Farm
'Listed among the Exchequer lands of Herrington in Hatfield's Survey of 1381, Thomas Colvill is shown holding, by right of his wife, a place called "le Haynyng". It contained, by estimation, 100 acres of land and was subject to the annual rent of 37s 2d. It is not clear where to site this place since there were three Hainings - Low, Middle and High - in the mid 19th century, and perhaps earlier. At the time of the Tithe Awards Low Haining was in the township of East and Middle Herrington, the other two in Newbottle, so perhaps the former is the most probable.'
- Sitelines
Listing Description (if available)
The two maps above illustrate the possible site of the medieval Haining Farm on the outskirts of Sunderland. Both maps reiterate the ruralness of the area, surrounded only by an old sand pit and a couple of country lanes not far from the Hetton Company Railway, which was the first line to be fully developed by George Stephenson.
There is little difference on the 1898 map, apart from the construction of a reservoir that was likely built to provide fresh water to the nearby farmsteads. It is worth bearing in mind the exact location of the medieval farmstead is unknown, as there is no trace by even this point.
Similarly, the 1921 Ordnance Survey provides less detail as the area remains undisturbed countryside. The reservoir is disused in favour of a pumping station at Burdon further south.