Biteabout Colliery
55.628779, -1.991333
Entry Created:
13 May 2022
Last Updated:
13 May 2022
Saulsbury, Sons and Jackson (1870s)
Description (or HER record listing)
This is the general location of Biteabout Colliery. This was worked from a single shaft and exploited a number of different coal seams. It is when the mine was originally dug or 'sunk' to the coal. The mine closed before 1902. It may have only operated for a few years between the second edition Ordnance Survey mapping of the area in 1899 and 1902. A number of other coal bell pit mines were operated in the same area.
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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