Dipton Colliery
54.875729, -1.759967
Delight Colliery
Delight Pit
Entry Created:
6 Jun 2022
Last Updated:
6 Jun 2022
John Bowes & Co. (1850s)
Description (or HER record listing)
"Coal has been worked in this neighbourhood from a very early period, chiefly by drifts, which are very numerous along the valley of the Derwent, and in many place the top seams are almost worked out. At present there are three extensive collieries at work in this parish [Dipton]. The Delight pit, sunk in 1854, is now worked by Jno. Bowes and Partners, Limited. The following seams are here: the Hutton, 6 feet 6 inches ; the Main Coal, 3 feet ; and the Busty, 4 feet 11 inches, at a depth of 114, 70, and 64 fathoms respectively. There are 62 coke ovens, by which the small coal is converted into coke. The average daily output is 400 tons, giving employment to 260 men and boys."
- Whellan's 1894 Directory of County Durham (Retrieved from Durham Mining Museum)
Ordnance Survey, 1890s
Postcard of Delight Pit circa 1910s. Source unknown.
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Delight Pit, undated. Source: Bowes Railway, Facebook
Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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