New Winning Colliery
Castle Eden
54.739686, -1.368445
Entry Created:
17 Feb 2023
Last Updated:
17 Feb 2023
Description (or HER record listing)
NEHL - New Winning Colliery was a small, basic working west of Castle Eden, operating until between the 1880s and 1890s. The Ordnance Survey map surveyed in 1857 shows two sidings branching north from the Hartlepool and Sunderland Railway, 3 small buildings and a reservoir, likely to pump water into. The reservoir still appears extant in the property which now resides at the site.
An incident took place at the colliery in 1888, when a young man named Stephenson lost his life due to a fall of stone, completely burying him. He was 24 and unmarried.
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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