Jesmond Colliery
Jesmond, Newcastle
Middle Pit
19th c
Entry Created:
3 Sept 2021
Last Updated:
14 Sept 2023
Burdon Sanderson, Mr Clark
Description (or HER record listing)
Jesmond Colliery. There were two associated pits - D Pit (HER 6952) and Middle Pit.
NEHL - Very little is known about the collieries, however references can be seen in local newspapers between the 1810s and 1830s.
In the 1820s, Jesmond Colliery was owned by a Mr Sanderson, as per a report in the Tyne Mercury in 1827. He advised he was no longer able to supply any but the best coals from the New Pit, which he would charge 9 shillings per load delivered within the walls. The new colliery (aka the D Pit) was located in Jesmond Vale, but was owned by the same people as the Middle Pit.
The D Pit was on sale in 1860 by a Mr Clark which included bridge rails, gin gang, pulleys, iron crane, trams and rolleys, pit props, pony limers, anvils, vices, grease and timber. It was to be sold at the Royal Arcade.
The Pit House for the Middle Pit was still in situ in the 1850s well after it went out of use, though was demolished for housing by the 1890s.
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Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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