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South Moor, Football Ground

54.858026, -1.699794

South Moor, Stanley




20th c



Home Teams/Clubs:

Last Updated:

17 Oct 2023

South Moor Corinthians, South Moor FC

HER Description

NEHL - This is the site of South Moor's earliest formal football ground, opened around the 1920s and was still in use into the 1960s.

It was located next to the old Hedley Pit, owned by South Moor Colliery and was likely used by the pitmen for leisure. It first appears in 1930s maps, with a path leading from South Moor Road over the railway and a waste heap from Hedley Pit to the enclosured ground.

The ground was probably used by multiple teams. Teams at South Moor in the 1930s include South Moor FC and South Moor Corinthians. It was a couple of decades later then the ground south west was opened.

The site is now open green space.

Ordnance Survey

Ordnance Survey, 1946

'Sketches of The Coal Mines in Northumberland and Durham' T.H.Hair, published in 1844

This fairly poor quality aerial shot shows South Moor in the 1940s, with the football ground in the centre right. Below is an annotated version of this photo. Source: Google Earth

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'Sketches of The Coal Mines in Northumberland and Durham' T.H.Hair, published in 1844

Annotated photograph from the 1940s with the football ground in red. Source: Google Earth

Historic Environment Records

Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past

Tyne and Wear: Sitelines


HER information as described above is reproduced under the basis the resource is free of charge for education use. It is not altered unless there are grammatical errors. 


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