Sedgefield Racecourse
54.644492, -1.463828
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
19 Jun 2023
HER Description
NEHL - This is the site of Sedgefield Racecourse, a historic horse racing site with records dating back here to at least 1732.
The course was part of the Sands Hall estate, owned by the Ord family historically. Meetings from this period are thin in details and may have been irregular until more formal commencement in 1846. The area was already known for its hunts, ran by the Lambton's with Robert Surtees participating also. Two day meetings were held from this year through to World War One. Meetings were generally ran by the hunt in March, though meetings increased in time. World War One suspended operations for a number of years.
A new racecourse company was founded in 1927, indicating its success and growth. A third annual meeting started after the war also including a bank holiday meeting.
Though the course has been threatened with closure, the course is still operating. The grandstand has been upgraded considerable with the course also remodelled over time.
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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