Brandon, Football Ground
54.755514, -1.632258
20th c
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
9 Feb 2023
Brandon Institute FC
HER Description
NEHL - A football ground has been located close to Brandon Lane since around the 1900s. The first maps to illustrate the ground were surveyed in 1915, and show a very austere pitch with no huts or facilities. By the 1930s, it became part of a wider recreation ground, adjacent to bowling greens and tennis courts. This was presumably set up by the colliery or institute for the betterment of miners and their families. The ground is still extant, though the ground further east is the home of Brandon United.
This was likely the home of Brandon Institute FC, who were formed at least by 1901 and continued through the 30s and potentially later. Brandon Institute took part in the Houghton League, against such teams as Ryhope Miners' Hall, Eppleton and St. Columba's. They also partook in the wider county cups such as the Durham Central Cup. They lost against Chester-le-Street Black Watch in December 1919.
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Historic Environment Records
Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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