West End Park, Bowling Greens
55.001488, -1.458026
North Shields, North Tyneside
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
12 Jul 2022
HER Description
West End Park was laid out by Ordnance Survey fourth edition circa 1940 along with recreation grounds. The park includes a war memorial. This was formerly the grounds of Chirton Dene House. West End Park is linked to the modern Smith's Park, created as part of the Royal Quays shopping outlet. To the south of Howdon Road, accessed by a pedestrian subway is the Linear Park, with formal circular footpaths laid out either side of the Chirton Burn.
NEHL - The bowling greens have always been a part of the site and are still in situ.
Ordnance Survey, 1967
West End Park Bowling Green, 1910. Source: Newcastle Libraries
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