South Tanfield Colliery
Annfield Plain
54.864014, -1.722724
Entry Created:
26 Sept 2022
Last Updated:
26 Sept 2022
Joseph Smith & Co. (1830s), James Joicey (1850s)
Description (or HER record listing)
"South Tanfield Colliery, by the same owners [James Joicy & Co.], is situated at Ox Hill, where there are six seams being worked : the Shield Row, 5 feet ; Five Quarter, 4½ feet ; Brass Thill, 5 feet ; Hutton and Maudlin, 5 to 10 feet with hard band ; Main coal, 2 feet 9 inches ; Top Busty, 2 feet 10 inches ; Bottom Busty, 2 feet 6 inches ; and the Brockwell, 2 feet 3 inches. This colliery is worked by a shaft 150 fathoms, with a relief shaft about the same depth, and another working shaft of 86 fathoms. The pit is ventilated by a powerful Guibal fan. The annual output averages about 250,000 tons employing 500 hands."
Whellan's 1894 Directory of County Durham, via Durham Mining Museum
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