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Oakdene Avenue, Tennis Court

54.554197, -1.331986



20th c


20th c



Home Teams/Clubs:

Last Updated:

30 Nov 2023

HER Description

NEHL - A tennis court was situated on undeveloped land between Oakdene Avanue and the Castle Eden branch line in the 1930s.

The court had public access so may have been in use for the public, however an advertisement in the Middlesbrough Daily Gazette of 09/05/1940 does offer 5 tennis courts to let. This may include this specific site meaning it would be private.

The courts were dismantled and redeveloped in favour of housing in the latter half of the 20th century.

Ordnance Survey

Ordnance Survey, 1947

'Sketches of The Coal Mines in Northumberland and Durham' T.H.Hair, published in 1844

The tennis court was situated in the bottom right of this shot, just above the railway line. Source: Historic England. Aerofilms Collection Historic England Photograph: EAW024096 flown 22/06/1949

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'Sketches of The Coal Mines in Northumberland and Durham' T.H.Hair, published in 1844

Historic Environment Records

Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past

Tyne and Wear: Sitelines


HER information as described above is reproduced under the basis the resource is free of charge for education use. It is not altered unless there are grammatical errors. 


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