Fatten Pasture Football Ground
54.819499, -1.374085
20th c
Home Teams/Clubs:
Last Updated:
23 Mar 2023
Murton Colliery CW FC (1891 - 2016)
HER Description
NEHL - A football club was established for the betterment of colliery workers at Murton in 1891, and played on a field next to Fatten Pasture farm from the 1900s to 1928 when they moved to Recreation Park.
The club was founded as Murton Colliery Welfare and played in the Wearside League amongst many teams around the coalfields and Sunderland. At first, it appears they did not have a fixed ground. Clues are given by contemporary news reports which calls them "Murton Colliery Wanderers", a nickname given to nomadic clubs without a fixed ground. Some time in the 1900s or 1910s they established a permanent ground at Fatten Pasture. It was a circular enclosure without any proper facilities. It was likely just a maintained patch of grass.
The ground was used by this team until 1928, when they moved to the Miners Welfare Ground closer to the village of Murton. This ground was quickly reclaimed to open grazing land.
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Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past
Tyne and Wear: Sitelines
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