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West Hartlepool Racecourse

54.665069, -1.215837








Home Teams/Clubs:

Last Updated:

23 May 2023

HER Description

NEHL - The first race meeting was held at West Hartlepool in 1850 as part of a 2 day fixture. Hartlepool had held races earlier than this. Crowd sizes depleted though after the 1860s and fixtures were terminated for the next 20 or so years. These meetings were held on the sands - presumably Carr House.

A couple of meetings were held in the late 1880s at Foggy Furze, though this was only a temporary course.

A course was established at Stranton Grange Farm near West Hartlepool in 1890 and were well supported. Racing continued until the early 20th century as shown in the local newspapers. A letter received by the Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail of 17/02/1945 discusses the last meeting on May 4th 1901. It was a harness race and the prize money was £8 for first, £2 for second, £1 for third, 10s for fourth with an entrance fee of 10s.

The whole area has been redeveloped and Stranton Grange Farm has been demolished.

Ordnance Survey

'Sketches of The Coal Mines in Northumberland and Durham' T.H.Hair, published in 1844

Have we missed something, made a mistake, or have something to add? Contact us

'Sketches of The Coal Mines in Northumberland and Durham' T.H.Hair, published in 1844

Historic Environment Records

Durham/Northumberland: Keys to the Past

Tyne and Wear: Sitelines

HER information as described above is reproduced under the basis the resource is free of charge for education use. It is not altered unless there are grammatical errors. 


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