Hebburn, South Tyneside
Garden Cottage, Hebburn
Last Updated:
6 Jun 2020
Hebburn, South Tyneside
This is a
54.969531, -1.516924
Founded in
Current status is
Designer (if known):
Part of the Carr-Ellison grounds close to Hebburn Cemetary.
'Other key features within and in the vicinity of the
conservation area at this time include ‘Garden Cottage’ to the south of the hall and ‘North Hebburn’ farm on the west
side of Victoria Road West near Hebburn Cemetery.
Garden Cottage remains on OS Maps until c1916 - it appears it was demolished some time between 1897 and 1916. The two-storey house on the east side of St John’s
Avenue, referred to as ‘Overacres’, just south of the intersection with West Parade, appears on the OS Map of 1941-42 and was constructed in the vicinity of the demolished ‘Garden Cottage’.'
- South Tyneside Council
Apart from this small excert from a report by South Tyneside Council, not much information can be found about the small cottage to the south of Hebburn Hall. It may have been a country house or a farmowners cottage. It is a matter lost in time and unfortunately there is no trace of the cottage left as it was demolished in 1916.
The Garden Cottage doesn't appear on any maps pre OS.
Listing Description (if available)

Both OS editions above illustrate the Garden Cottage as just south of Hebburn Hall close to Hebburn cemetary. The first edition labels it as there is a lack of clutter adjacentm however the second edition only shows the outline of the building. There is a footpath to the Hall, so perhaps it may have been a groundskeepers cottage or something of the like.

By 1921 the Garden Cottage had unfortunately been demolished, maybe due to it being unoccupied or dilapidated. Nothing was built in replacement, and how it looked then is likely how it looks now apart fro, housing developments surrounding it.