Whitwell Colliery
C Pit
Entry Created:
21 Jan 2022
Last Updated:
21 Jan 2022
Abraham Teasdale & Mrs Ann Wilkinson, Andrew White (1830s), JM Ogden (1850s)
Description (or HER record listing)
"This colliery is situated near the Durham and Sunderland Railway, about 2½ miles southeast from the city of Durham, and commands a splendid view of the beautiful cathedral, the castle, and the surrounding scenery of that ancient city. It comprises the whole of the extra-parochial place or township of Whitwell House, the property of the Master and Brethren of Sherburn Hospital, and is held by lease for three lives by John Gregson, Esq., of Shotton Hall. The colliery is carried on by the Messrs. Whites, Robson, and Ogden, under the firm of the Whitwell Coal Company, who lease it of Mr. Gregson for a term of years. The sinking of the A pit was commenced on May 2, 1836; and the Hutton seam was won on the 20th June, 1837, at the depth of 59 fathoms. The sinking of the B pit was completed to the Hutton seam, at the depth of 65 fathoms, in 1840. There are three workable seams in this royalty, all of which are of excellent quality."
- Extract of 'Views of the Collieries' (1844) retrieved from Durham Mining Museum
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