Blackfell, Boundary Pit
54.909428, -1.568229
19th c
Entry Created:
4 Jul 2023
Last Updated:
4 Jul 2023
Description (or HER record listing)
NEHL - A pit was located between Valepit Houses and Northside Farm through the 19th century, though closed by the 1890s. It is unknown whether this was associated with Mount Moor Colliery or a smaller rudimentary working. It appears to be visible on the map surveyed in 1857 though is unlabelled, indicating it may be much older.
Ordnance Survey, 1896
The remains of Boundary Pit on aerial imagery, 1945. Source: Historic England Photograph: raf_106g_uk_1038_v_5129 flown 27/11/1945
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